Sunday, December 09, 2007

CAG Child's Play

Who said gamers just sit on their ass and waste their life away? Surprisingly, other than creating obnoxious 1337 talks, we also like to contribute to charities that help to donate toys, games, and more to the less unfortunate.
The CAG ( Community is aiming towards collecting $10,000 similar to the past year. I've donated my share already and I hope my dead audience do also. 
Any rewards? Psshh, what do you expect? I mean IT is a Cheap Ass Gamer Community. For every $5 donated, you are enlisted for a prize of $500 GC. Since it's it should be appealing to all, not just gamers.
And if you actually read this post, comment so I know at least one person read it. I don't care if you cuss me out as long as I know. =]

P.S. Click here if you want more info. regarding the charity organization itself.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

WTF? Random. [San Diego Wild Fire]

I know this blog has been resting in its grave and this post is not even about games, but as desperate means needs desperate measures, I need to indulge myself in any kind of activity to drive away the evil boredom. Why am I bored ? My games are packed away for evac. (FUCKK!)

I hope that everyone else in San Diego is safe and sound somewhere whether or not it'd be their homes or an evacuation center.

Here's some links that I've been using to keep myself updated on the San Diego Wild Fire.

  • SD Wild Fire Map/Info [Google Map]: Hooray! for Web 2.0. Has all the fire Info including areas of mandatory evacuation and locations of evac. centers.
  • SD Radio Live Stream: Good local Info and News regarding the fire including crazy people calling in on the side of the road staring at the apocalyptic blazing fire.
  • CBS News 8: Has good updates on Evac. Info/Locations including pictures.